Wednesday 23 March 2016

Q1- In what way does your Music Magazine Use, develop or challenge forms and conventional of real music magazines?

In what way does your Music Magazine Use,  develop or challenge forms and conventional of real music magazines? 

Throughout our magazine , we have considered the conventions used in a number of modern music magazines of this genre today. We have used other music magazines as inspiration and assessed what aspects of a music magazine makes them attractive to a specific audience. 

Our intentions behind our front cover was to be stylish and eye-catching and was a key aspect of genre and audience. We find it crucial that we adapt the right style when working with a hip hop magazine as if we get it wrong it would most defiantly stop people reading our content. We have done extensive research throughout our  work which can be found in our readership profile and our mood board. The front cover is the first thing that the audience are greeted by so it is so important that we make it as attractive as possible. so first thing we had to establish was the colours we wanted to use in our front cover. at first we tried some brighter colours to see what they looked like , but after we underwent some research we discovered though magazines like Fader they like to stick to very plain and simple colours. this is the reason why after being more educated on what i am needing to do to conform for the typical aspects of a hip hop music magazine. Only after doing this did i realised that it would be affective for me to go with the black and white colour scheme. Our main inspiration we took for our work was from a specific issue of Fader as shown at the top of the page. What we liked about this specific issue was the simple layout and the colours used. in the issue they have chosen to challenge the typical layout of a hip hop magazine, they have chosen to go with a very simple layout only including essential information and chosen to make two thing main thing to focus on. The first bring the mast head which is the name of the magazine so that people what magazine it is. And secondly they have made it clear that they wont you to focus on the model on the front page in this case being grime artist Skepta. We thought this would suit what were trying to achieve with our work and for that reason this is what we based the basics of our work on. But they we also added some small features to grip our audience to reading into our work like a little teaser with a rhetorical at the bottom of the page. The next aspect we have used to conform to the typical hip hop magazine ascetic was with the model we used on the front cover. We found that in hip hop magazines it is common to have close up photo of a specific artist and that be the main focus of the page. so we have adopted this method to conform to the stereotype though the use of RyBoy Digital as our main focus on the front cover. We have used the character Ryboy Digital because he resembles a typical hip hop artist that our audience can relate to and makes it clear that we are understanding the task clearly and what our music magazine will need to feature to have at real feel to it 

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