Monday 21 March 2016

Double Page Spread Mock Up 1

Double Page Spread Mock Up 1

This is the first mock up we produced of a double page spread and personally i feel that this was a good solid place to start. The layout in this mock up is very generic and nothing fancy but the simplicity of it allows it not to get carried away and look unattractive. But what was letting this double page spread down was the colours used and the content, yet again this double page spread has not conformed to the colour scheme we were looking to archive with our work. We chose to go with a grey theme on this double page spread but i think this makes it look quite boring seeing that this is not reoccurring throughout the rest of the work. the other aspect that let this work down was the content we used in the second page, we decided to write up an interview with one of the artists featuring in our magazine. Reflecting on what we did i feel that we went out the layout of this work in complete wrong way and would leave our audience confused to what it is saying.

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