Tuesday 12 April 2016

Q7- Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Personally i feel that we have come a long way in terms of the quality of our work. I feel that it fulfilled the needs of a school magazine. For example , the masthead of our work doesn't look very easy on the eye due to the colours and the font used. Also we have left the bottom of the page quite plain which could lead people to think our work is unfinished. Comparing this to our music magazine we have improved dramatically. It is clear to see that i have developed my skills and produced a much higher quality magazine. for example the masthead we used in our music magazine stood out much because we have used given more consideration into the colours used so that our work came across as more appealing.

We went with a bold typography so that it was clear that this was our masthead. When it came round to the colours used we went with very plain colours. I felt that using the black background colour work much better in the black for the genre of music we have chosen to base our work on which is hip hop. also i feel that the black colour also fades the main image into background and gives it a more natural feel. Furthermore i feel that our music magazine has come along way in the range of softwares and developing skills i used to produce my final piece. This has helped me produce my work to a higher quality in the fact that i was able to use Adobe Photoshop to refine my images and make sure that there were no areas of the photos which were not up the scratch and would bring the quality of the work down. This combined with our attention to detail has resulted in our work have no mess ups. 

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